培训大纲 1 :Sample Structural Finite Element Analysis in SimXpert
2 :Techniques for Validating and Checkout of Finite Element Models (FEM Validation)
3 :Rigid Body Animation in SimXpert
4 :Midsurface Capability in SimXpert
5 :Virtual Prototyping within the Consumer Packaged Goods Industry
6 :Virtual Prototyping of Cardiovascular Stents
7 :Save a Movie File From SimXpert Motion Workspace
8 :SimXpert Native CATIA Functionality
9 :MSC Nastran Essential Skills_ 1D, 2D, and 3D finite element models
10 :Enabling simulation early in the design cycle with bidirectional native CAD access in SimXpert
11 :Managing models and assemblies with SimXpert's Enterprise Model Browser
12 :Building better simulation models with SimXpert's intuitive user interface
13 :Improving CAE efficiency and productivity with SimXpert's Automation Tools
14 :Virtual Prototyping Solutions for Automotive Door Seal Manufacturers
15 :Management and Traceability of Large Complex FEM Assemblies
16 :SMX101 Preview 17 :SimXpert Template _ Macro record and edit 18 :Huge CAE Productivity Gains due to Native CAD Parameter Access in the CAE Application 19 :Hiding and Showing Entities Using SimXpert 20 :Generic Elements in SimXpert 21 :Suppressing and Unsuppressing Curves in SimXpert
22 :Square Tube Crush Part 2_ Job Setup and Analysis Results 23 :SimXpert Native UGS NX Compatibility 24 :Basic Transformations in SimXpert 25 :Isolating a Node in SimXpert 26 :Domain Morphing in SimXpert 27 :Shape Morphing 28 :Shape Morphing using the Positioner 29 :Picking in SimXpert 2010 如果您想学习本课程,请预约报名
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